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Yesterday, I went to get massage at Musashi-koyama. After the session, I looked around and saw a nice looking wall paper shop on the other side of the street. I crossed over and went in and admired the beautiful wall papers hung on a high ceiling. Suddenly I hear someone say, " Seems like they skipped the rainy season and we've now entered summer." I turned around and saw the owner of the shop smiling. We got into chatting about weather ( what one does with a stranger) but soon we got into some good discussions on politics and education. How that had evolved is a wonder, but it just seemed so natural as if had been friends before.

This was the first time I set foot in this town, first massage place and this chance meeting. This is what one calls serendipity ! It brightens your day when one has experienced such a lovely morning. Wish I had taken a photo of the beautiful shop - perhaps next time !

昨日は初めて行った武蔵小山で素敵な壁紙のショップにふらりと入り、店主の方といつしか楽しい会話を楽しんだのでした。 普通お店に入って初めての方とそうそう興味深い話などする機会はないと思うのですが、意気投合というのはこういうことなのでしょうか。お陰でとっても素敵な午前中を過ごせたのです。そのあとも商店街があり、個人店がたくさんあったので色々と眺めながら歩きましたが、小さいけど美味しそうなレストランであったり、かわいいお花屋さん、パン屋さんからもいい香りがただよってきたり、と。 生徒のレッスンがあったのでゆっくりできなかったのですが、次回はもう少し時間を持ってきて、今度はレストランにも入ってみたいなと思ったのでした。そうそう、写真を撮り損ねたのもとっても残念!次回は覚えておかないとね🎶




Spring is….


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