fir those who are active with FB may surely know that there’s been many “challenges” lately; posting your childhood pics, favorite music, sharing recipea and also what’s called a book cover challenge where you would be introducing one book for 7 days. I’ve been given the baton for this. So I thought of introducing one here, which I won’t be introducing on FB.
Title of the book is “Conversations with Arrau”.
Claudio Arrau- the great pianist of the 20th Century. He talks not only about how to approach compositions, but also about his experience as a performer. Very insightful book.
FB でブックカバーチャレンジのバトンを受け取り、昨日からスタート。でもここでは紹介しない本をご紹介します。クラウディオ・アラウという20 世紀の生んだ偉大なピアニストのインタビュー本です。学生の頃から読んで含蓄のある言葉には今でも学びが多いです。