We finally made it again this year after a year's pause due to the pandemic last year. In the meantime, I've welcomed new students, and the long standing ones have continued to make big progress. It was such an exciting day for me to see / listen to everyone on stage, and they all did marvelously !!
Bravo not only to my wonderful students but also to the supporting parents - thank you for the wonderful day !
2年ぶりの生徒たちの発表会。彼らの成長をステージという特別の場所で見て、聴けたことは本当に誇らしく、幸せな時間でした。皆、このコロナで本当によく頑張って、普段以上の成長を改めて確認できた次第でした。これからも一緒に楽しく、真剣に音楽と向き合っていきましょうね🎶 素晴らしい演奏をありがとう!