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  • 執筆者の写真寺田まり/MariTerada

Memorandum of June/6月を振り返って

I've had some crazy months from March till end of June. Each month had at least one concert with different programs. And June had been so hectic !

Glad I made it through and now we've entered the second half of the year already!

6/3, my first experience organizobg A Kids' concert with a fantastic artist Eling Hsu in charge of artwork and my piano student Isabelle Maury as a narrator, who's done a marvelous job !!

Once this concert was over, I had to switch my mind to violin works with Motoko Tokoro, my fabulous violin partner sine 11 years now.

Having finished these concerts, I have another concert coming up at the end of July, but I am finally enjoying some relaxed time at the same time :)






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